Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Wig, make-up & inspirations, fashion shows - prt.1

I um... I think i totally sort of forgot this place, but I didn't. I've been meaning to post a few things but just couldn't bring myself together to do that, just too lazy and tired every freaking day. But I finally am doing this *laugh*

Anyway what i am going to put here will need to be split in a couple (or more) parts because there's just too much to put in one time so I am spliting it up.

PART 1: Wig

So not much ago I finally recieved a wig...Kariss (or was it Karis). And I gotta say I had no idea you can get them so naturally looking. I had a few people mixing it up in photos with real hair. The quality is amazing, tho one thing that keeps bothering me is the style... it looks totally off. I thought i might just bring it to some hair salon to get it cut, but still hadn't managed to do that.

I know stereotype for the typics gyaru face is dolly eyes lots of contouring and cute expressions, I am not actually a very big fan of that.

I have tried it on with a more edgy, rock style. .