Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Le Introduction + ranting already

So... I eventually decided to open up a SEPARATE blog a blog for everything else without any random fangirling about GACKT, that i will leave in LiveJournal...(laugh) Since i got into this mess called gyaru, i though i'm gonna put that here too, the road of finding my own self, without the cliches and too much blending in to the gyaru community, however i'm going to try and keep the basics of the style while looking for something my OWN.

I am still slightly sceptical about the gaijin gyaru communities: everyday_gyaru & gyaru_secrets on Livejournal doesn't really leave a RIGHT impression for a new face.....And I think some of the girls are missing the point there.....
I just spent some time reading through the entries on Gyaru Secrets…By all the stuff they post up there, it kinda made the impression that what they think is gyaru is a freaking cliche you have to become to be called one, like you can’t really bring something different into it, something yours, also i noticed half the stuff they post there is more or less just going after the new not so experienced girls and telling how ugly this or that look. I’m a newbie (i’ll admit that lol i like that style) too, i got myself into e_g and tried posting, got rejected and felt kinda frustrated since the page the mod directed me to is pretty much dead now, and of no help at all, when I saw the gyaru_secrets you have NO IDEA how happy I was that my post was actually rejected…i knew that there would have been a possibility of my photo poping up on there….
All the good gyaru comms that could actually help with giving good advices and tips are dead now and those that could help, turned into some sort of competittion who’s more beautiful crap… The point is i don’t get why they are competting, i mean as much as i like the style half of it is based on fake stuff, it’s like who’s better in making fake stuff look real. I agree it can be pretty but if your personality is an absolute opposite you can do whatever you want: fake lashes, circle lenses, wigs, hair extensions and make-up, won’t make you a more beautiful person.
Is there really any genuine and ready to help gyaru left around? cuz i’d love to get t know one!

I guess just how one of my gal friends said that “fashion attracts lots of supperficial bitches” and I can just add that there’s probbaly nothing anyone can do about it lol

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